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US tech company Amazon is also looking to get into the smart campus arena. Alexa, the company’s voice-activated smart assistant, is being aimed at teachers. They may help to run classes more efficiently, says Amazon. For example, if a teacher has to teach different classes in different rooms, Alexa can remember the teacher’s preferences, such as whether or not they need to use a projector.

Smart technology can also be used to keep students and teachers safe. At the Global Indian International School in Singapore, CNET reports that facial recognition scanners allow teachers to automatically lock or unlock classroom doors, while students can store their textbooks in smart lockers linked to their student ID cards.

美国科技公司亚马逊(Amazon)也在寻求进入智能校园领域。 该公司的语音智能助手Alexa针对的是教师。 亚马逊表示,它们可能有助于更有效地运行课程。 例如,如果一个老师必须在不同的教室教不同的课,Alexa可以记住老师的偏好,比如他们是否需要使用投影仪。

智能技术也可以用来保护学生和教师的安全。 据CNET报道,在新加坡的全球印度国际学校,面部识别扫描仪允许教师自动锁或打开教室门,而学生可以将他们的课本存储在与学生身份证相连的智能储物柜中。

